Why Jesus Can’t be e 100% God and 100% Man but the best way to say it is that Jesus was 50% man and 100% God

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By Bishop Prof. Rudolph Q. Kwanue Sr., PhD

I have studied the Bible for 33 years and earned multiple degrees in Theology, Biblical Studies, Mission and Intercultural Studies, Christian Education, Church Administration, and more.

I have read the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation continuously for 7 years without stopping.

Through my deep study, I understand the Bible more than those who wrote it, more than those who printed it, and more than those who cut and pasted portions to fit their agenda.

The people who originally compiled the Bible had no degrees in theology, never attended a Bible school or university, so how can they be compared to someone like me who has deeply studied it?

This is wrong and misleading.

I am not against Christianity, nor am I against Christ—I can never be.

I belong to God. But I must speak the truth about the Bible.

I refuse to pretend and mislead people like many Africans are doing with religion.

The Problem with Saying Jesus Was 100% God and 100% Man

Many Christians believe that Jesus was both 100% God and 100% man, but the truth is, no Bible verse ever says this. It is a doctrine created by people, not a direct teaching from God.

If Jesus was 100% human, he would have had to experience everything that comes with being human—including sin.

The Bible says, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). If Jesus was fully human, how could he be the only exception?

Jesus got hungry (Matthew 4:2).

He got thirsty (John 19:28).

He got tired (John 4:6).

He experienced anger (Mark 3:5) and sadness (John 11:35).

If he was 100% human, could he have gotten sick? Had romantic feelings? Had conflicts with his family? The Bible doesn’t give full details.

In fact, Jesus’ life from age 13 to 29 is completely missing from the Bible.

Why? Because the church hides many truths. Books like the Gospel of Thomas and Gospel of Mary contain more details, but these were removed to control the Christian narrative.

Missing Information in the Bible

The Bible often leaves out important details about key people.

What was Noah’s wife’s name? The Bible doesn’t say.

Who were Hannah’s parents? Silence.

What was Lot’s wife’s real name? Unknown.

What about Mary, the mother of Jesus—who were her parents, siblings, or family background? The Bible gives almost nothing.

Even Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, has no detailed history.

If the Bible is supposed to be the complete word of God, why is so much missing? Who decided what to include and what to remove?

The people who put the Bible together were not educated in theology, yet they made decisions about what millions of people should believe.

That is why we must question everything.

Jesus Was Not Conceived Like a Normal Human

If Jesus was truly 100% man, he should have been born like every other human—through a man and a woman having intercourse. But the Bible says Jesus was born of a virgin, without a human father.

All 100% humans are born through sexual reproduction.

If Jesus did not have a human father, then he was already different from other men.

This means he was not fully human like the rest of us.

So, how can we say he was 100% man?

A Better Explanation: Jesus Was 50% Man and 100% God

To solve this contradiction, the better understanding is that Jesus was 50% man and 100% God.

This way, he remains sinless because he was not fully human.

It explains why he was different from normal humans.

It keeps his divine nature intact without creating contradictions.

African Christianity and the Control of Biblical Knowledge

Most Black people simply accept Christianity without questioning it. Why are we discouraged from thinking critically about our faith?

White scholars have questioned and analyzed the Bible for centuries, but when African scholars do the same, they are attacked. Why?

The Bible we use today was edited, changed, and compiled by people with an agenda.

African Christianity often discourages deep questioning—calling it heresy.

If the Bible is truly God’s word, why are we afraid to study it deeply and ask hard questions?

Conclusion: The Truth Must Be Told

I do not hate Jesus. I do not hate Christianity. I do not hate the Bible. But I hate deception.

If Jesus was truly 100% man, then he would have sinned, like all other men. Since Christianity insists he was sinless, then he could not have been fully human. The best explanation is that he was 50% man and 100% God—a position that removes sin while preserving his divine nature.

I refuse to pretend and mislead people like many Africans do in the name of religion. The truth must be told.

Let us think critically and seek knowledge, for the truth never fears questions!

Bishop Prof. Rudolph Q. Kwanue, Sr. PhD
Father of Critical thinkers

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